Knock, knock. Please sign in.
Whether you're seeking to apply for on-campus housing, or are looking to manage your current housing experience at MIT, you've come to the right place!
If you already have MIT credentials (Kerberos ID and/or MIT Certificates) use the MIT Touchstone Login button to access your personalized portal.
If you are an employee, fellow, post-doctorate candidate, scholar, scientist, SPURS/Humphrey Fellow or visitor who has active MIT credentials but has never lived in on-campus housing, please create your housing portal account by clicking 'Register.' After creating an account, please use the 'Login with Touchstone' button to sign into the housing portal.
Please note that alumni, families of students, Draper Laboratory, Broad Institute, and Whitehead Institute employees are NOT eligible for on-campus housing.
If you're confused about how to navigate this login page, we’re happy to help! If you're experiencing any technical issues, contact our office.
Who we are.
Housing & Residential Services (HRS) oversees on-campus housing assignments, repair and maintenance, residential security, and more. Our team is responsible for ensuring that residences are welcoming, safe, and effectively supporting MIT’s distinctive residential experience.
We encourage you to connect with members of our team regarding any housing-related inquiries that you may have. We're available to assist through a variety of channels, including virtual and in-person services, as well as by phone and email. Visit our contact page to learn more.